Scratchy uneven lines.

February 6, 2011


It’s been snowing and it’s been cold. I walked down to the Denver Art Museum this afternoon. I looked at the art again. What is wrong with me? What’s unplugged? I can’t even afford pens. And I really, really want to get back to drawing. When can I laugh at this? How absurd it is to be pushing 30, and living on 1920s wages.


2 Responses to “Scratchy uneven lines.”

  1. J.T. Yost said

    That first panel of you running is amazing! I’m always jealous of cartoonists who can make action scenes look so effortless.

  2. Sheeesh! Noah! It´ll get better and you know it! I´m almost in the same position as you in your story here… Just praying i can make enuff to pay up my rent… GULP! and i have other family responsabilities… i always dreamt of being a cartoonist but i didnt know it would mean less to eat!

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